IT Equipment Resell

We conduct IT equipment resale where we buy and sell technology to support businesses and governments. Some of the equipment we resell are computers, printers, photocopiers, scanners e.t.c.

IT Maintenance

This section of services involves ongoing tasks to keep hardware, software, and networks functioning smoothly to minimize downtime and optimize performance.

IT Training Services

We offer IT training services targeting educational and other institutions to improve skills and knowledge in information technology areas, including software, hardware, and usability.

IT Advisory & Consultancy

We offer Expert guidance for businesses to optimize their use of technology for improved performance and efficiency to realize profits and maintain clientele.

Branding & Graphic Design

While we design various artifacts using elements to visually communicate messages, our branding focuses on creating distinctive personalities.

Software resale & Maintenance

We provide personalized Software licenses sold in software resale agreements, and software maintenance with continuous software updates and support.

Apps & Web Development

We develop software for mobile devices. We also Create apps and websites designed for normal computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets.